Digital Package and Label Printing

Coming up with new and fresh ideas in the world of printing can be difficult.  Since many things that were once printed are now viewed online, coming up with unique printed applications has become a challenge.    Many coupons, informational pieces, promotional mailers, and general information that was once printed is now available on the computer or a comparable mobile device.  Since this is impacting the commercial printing market, many printers are turning to digital package and label printing as a more secure sector to invest their futures in.

Digital package and label printing are elements that will never lose to online presence since it encases the actual product.  Some printers are even forgoing traditional commercial printing such as direct mail and promotional pieces in favor of digital package and label printing as well as cartons, since it is a guaranteed sector.   Many are attracted to this sector of print for the long term growth opportunities that are secure.  Creating a niche within the digital package and label printing market is the best way to make your brand stand out.  Custom made labels for specific industries are highly useful, and packaging that’s unique is also important.  When many companies jump from commercial to packaging, it’s because they want to stay ahead of the curve and not be in a market that is in many ways, diminishing.  The change from one to the other is gradual, but in order to make the change successfully, a business must have the proper materials and coatings to create long lasting applications.

How to Stay Unique

In the digital package and label industry, half of the battle is creating unique, long lasting looks for clients.  Materials have to be eye catching, durable, and capture the personality of the brand it is being printed for.  A wood label can create a natural modern look or one that is antique/rustic.  Shiny metallic labels can make a products look high end, or fluorescents can give big pops of color and personality.  Packaging has many possible effects as well.  Wood boxes can create a great lineup, and lenticulars create amazing 3D effects that catch a customer’s eye from the shelf.  Metallic boards in different tones and patterns are also a great way to gain customer interest with a high class, colorful touch.
We like to create custom digital solutions for our clients that fit your application so it reaches it’s full potential in bringing you new business.  Contact us for more information about our great digital package and label options for your next application.
