While other industries standardize measurements to pounds, square feet and other single measurements, the printing industry can’t seem to agree on one system. Between MSI, lineal feet, pounds of material, square inches, sheet units, M weight, and price-per-hundred weight (CWT), the numbers can be confusing. To help simplify your projects, here are a few handy formulas, calculators, and conversions that you can bookmark.
MSI = 1,000 square inches
For roll material customers, MSI is a familiar measurement. For sheet material customers, you may not encounter it as often. Either way, it’s a good idea to learn how to use MSI. Knowing how to convert MSI can help you pinpoint the exact amount of material running through a press, as well as determine how much you will spend on material if quoted an MSI price. You can also break down the cost of master rolls into smaller rolls.
Formula: width of sheet in inches x length of the sheet in inches / 1000 = MSI
Example: 12 in x 18 in / 1000 = .216 MSI
12 in x 18 in sheet: .216 MSI
13 in x 19 in sheet: .247 MSI
12 in x 5000 ft roll: 720 MSI
MMSI = 1,000,000 square inches
MSF = 1,000 square feet
Formula: width of roll in inches x 12 x length of material in feet / 1000 = MSI
Example: 12 in x 12 x 5000 ft / 1000 = 720 MSI
Formula: MSI x 1000 / (width of the material in inches x 12) = length of material in feet
Example: You receive an invoice that says 1440 MSI. You know the material is 13″ wide, but you need to determine the length.
1440 x 1000 / (13 x 12) = 9,230.77 ft
Formula: MSI x 1000 / (length of material in feet x 12) = width of material in inches
Example: You receive an invoice that says 720 MSI. You know you received 5,000 feet of material, but you need to determine the width.
720 x 1000 / (5000 x 12) = 12 in
Formula: Price Per MSI x ((Web Width x 12)/1000) = Price Per Linear Foot
*Source: Micro Format, Inc
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CALCULATE LENGTH OF ROLL – View easy-to-use calculator**
CALCULATE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF ROLL – View easy-to-use calculator**
CALCULATE THICKNESS OF ROLL – View easy-to-use calculator**
**Source: Roseller Y. Sunga at handymath.com